dignity congo

dignity congo

“Je sais et je sens au fond de moi-meme que tot ou tard mon peuple se debarrassera de tous ses ennemis interieurs et exterieurs, qu’il se levera comme un seul homme pour dire non au capitalisme degradant et honteux, et pour et reprendre sa dignite sous un soleil pur”

Patrice Emery Lumumba

FIFA: Publish Robust Rights Framework for 2026 World Cup

Japan: Press Saudi Arabia on Human Rights

Tunisia: Deepening Civil Society Crackdown

Latest News

(Kyiv, May 2, 2024) – Russian forces appear to have executed at least 15 Ukrainian soldiers as they attempted to

(Kyiv, May 2, 2024) – Russian forces appear to have executed at least 15 Ukrainian soldiers as they attempted to

(Kyiv, May 2, 2024) – Russian forces appear to have executed at least 15 Ukrainian soldiers as they attempted to

(Kyiv, May 2, 2024) – Russian forces appear to have executed at least 15 Ukrainian soldiers as they attempted to

(Kyiv, May 2, 2024) – Russian forces appear to have executed at least 15 Ukrainian soldiers as they attempted to

(Kyiv, May 2, 2024) – Russian forces appear to have executed at least 15 Ukrainian soldiers as they attempted to

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Protecting Rights, Saving Lives

Dignity Congo defends the rights of people in close to 100 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justice

FIFA: Publish Robust Rights Framework for 2026 World Cup

Japan: Press Saudi Arabia on Human Rights

Tunisia: Deepening Civil Society Crackdown

Interview: “I Didn’t Think I Would Survive This”

Sudan: Ethnic Cleansing in West Darfur

Dominica High Court Decriminalizes Same-Sex Conduct


Apporter au peuple congolais et amis de la République Démocratique du Congo la richesse culturelle, traditionnelle et humaine du pays. Nous contribuons à la promotion de la bonne gouvernance et du respect des lois nationales et internationales visant la prospérité et le développement des Congolais en général.